Friday, April 27, 2012


Question: “What is your best guess as to what the Unit Circle is? Give as much detail as you can!!”

1)Riley                              “One unit of a circle”
2)Kristian                          “A circle with a radius of one”
3)Connor                         “A circle containing magical math”
4)Yvonna                        “I don’t know.”
5)Kylie                              “ A circle with a radius of one"
6)Holden                         “ A very small circle.”
7)Allie                               “ A circle with units.”
8)Vivian                           “A round circle. It’s also a math project topic."
9)Nishita                          “ Does it have a radius of one?”
10)Dylan                            “ A circle made of one unit.”
11)Clarence                     “ A circle…..”
12)Chad                            “ A circle with a certain unit.”
13)Nicole                           “ A circle cut into units.”
14)Kylie                              “ A circle with units.”
15)Caileen                        “ A unit made into a circle.”
16)Mia                                “ A circle with a unit.”
17)CJ                                  “ A ton of people forming a circle."
18)Madison                       “ I don’t know.”
19)Molly                             “ I don’t know.”
20)Julie                                “ A circle that is actually a square."
21)Tara                              “ A circle made of one unit.”
22)Lauren                          “ A circle that measures units.”
23)Madison                       “ A circle that measures units.”
24)Emily                             “ I don’t know.”
25)Mihir                              “ A circle used for units.”

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